Moon River

Moon River

Package Design
/ Graphic Designer

Package Design
/ Graphic Designer

Music > Design.
Design Process

Music > Design.
The Lamp helps people to sleep well.

Q. When is the last time I used a candle?
A. The night of the great earthquake in 2011.

Q. When is the last time I used a candle?
A. The night of the great earthquake in 2011.

Q. When is the last time
I used a candle?

A. The night of the great earthquake in 2011.

1. Wish.
- I wish I could've felt a relaxation from the candle.
(Most occasions use candles are when people need a relax)

1. Wish.
- I wish I could've felt a relaxation from the candle.
(Most occasions use candles are when people need a relax)


1. Wish.

- I wish I could've felt a relaxation
from the candle.
(Most occasions use candles
are when people need a relax)

2. Choose a Song.
- Moon River is the song that makes me relax in any situation.

Choose a Song.
-Moon River is the song that makes
me relax in any situation.

2. Choose a Song.

- Moon River is the song that
makes me relax in any situation.

3. Create the Design Rule.
- Created the thickness of the moon based on the length of the note.

Create the Design Rule.
-Created the thickness of the moon based
on the length of the note.

3. Create the Design Rule.

- Created the thickness of the moon
based on the length of the note.

4. Marge into a Design.
- Created one pattern for each measure.

4. Marge into a Design.
- Created one pattern for each measure.

4. Marge into a Design.
- Created one pattern for each measure.

World Oceans Day Post

World Oceans Day Post

Step1 -Choose The Music Align with The Theme

Step1 -Choose The Music Align with The Theme

Step2 -Created the Rule from the Music Notes

Step2 -Created the Rule from the Music Notes

Step3- Created the Design for Each Measure of The Music

Step3- Created the Design for Each Measure of The Music

Step4- Merge with The Logo and the Package Design

Step4- Merge with The Logo and the Package Design